An A+ Student: What Good Grades and a Good Driving Record Have in Common

Author Archives: Carroll Marshall Insurance

An A+ Student: What Good Grades and a Good Driving Record Have in Common

As insurance advisors, we are well versed in the discussions that come up when it’s time for a young driver to set out on the path of getting their first driver’s license.  We are accustomed to encouraging and advising parents on the types of coverage needed to make sure they are protected once their baby […]

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Are You Sure You’re Covered? The Importance of Insuring Your Stored Items

Spring is around the corner, and we know that means many people will be going through the yearly “spring cleaning” ritual.  This usually means throwing open the curtains and windows, letting in sunshine, and giving your home (and everything in it) a thorough scrubbing. For some people though, this is also when they choose to […]

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Out in Our Community: The 2016 Traditions Vendor Fair

Carroll Marshall is committed to being part of our local Winter Haven community, not just as a business you pass on your way through town, but as active participants with our friends and neighbors. Recently, we had a chance to do just that by being part of the 2016 Traditions Vendor Fair. Traditions is a […]

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Show Your Love: How Insurance Lets Them Know You Care

Life is full of major moments.  Picture for a minute some of these major milestones that you maybe have gone through…or are looking toward. The wedding day has arrived and your’e marrying the love of your life.  After the vows, setting up your tiny apartment and learning how to do life together consumes your time. […]

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Empty Nest? Insurance Could Be More Important Than Ever

The topic of life insurance might not be at the forefront of retirees’ minds, but if you are an empty-nester, making sure you have the right coverage could be more important than ever. When you are younger, with a growing family and an ever-increasing list of responsibilities (both financial and otherwise), insurance is a must-have. […]

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Coverage or a Cup of Coffee? The Choice Is Yours

When you mention “life insurance” to people, you are usually met with one of several responses… “Life insurance is important for me because I’m the main breadwinner…my wife and kids don’t need it though.” “I can’t afford life insurance. It’s a luxury.” “I’m still young. I don’t need to think about life insurance yet.” While […]

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Make 2016 Your Healthiest Year Yet

We are still at the start of a fresh, new year, and we are hearing many people making 2016 resolutions.  Of course, “lose weight”, “get healthy”, etc. are common on the list of goals people make in a new year, but we truly want to see folks be the best they can be all year […]

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Christmas is Over…Let the Coverage Begin!

The holidays have come and gone, and many of us are left standing in our living rooms trying to figure out how our Christmas decorations have managed to grow exponentially (and how to fit them back in our attics!) and staring at a pile of toys and gifts that need new places to belong throughout […]

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New Year, New Resolutions: Why Your Insurance Coverage Should Top the List

2015 has come and gone, and we all are facing a new year with anticipation and excitement.  If you are like most people, New Years resolutions are part of your “traditions” at this time of year. Whether you desire to lose a few pounds put on thanks to the holiday cookies you splurged on, or […]

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Take the Headache Out of Holiday Air Travel!

The holidays are finally here, and we know that many of you will be boarding a plane over the next few days to go to, or come home from, the homes of friends and loved ones.  Flying though, as many well-worn travelers know, can go from fun to complicated and difficult in a very short […]

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