Protecting Your Home This Halloween

haloween-1721293_640Halloween is a coming up quickly, and while it’s full of costumes, time with friends, and of course, lots of candy, it can also be a prime time for crime and vandalism.  Because of the influx of people out on the streets, cutting through yards in the dark, kids can get a little rowdy and damage people’s homes and property.  There can also be more sinister happenings like full-scale home invasions and theft that take place since many people are away from their homes on the night of October 31st.

So, how can you protect your home without spoiling the fun?

First, make your home less attractive to those who could mean it harm by keeping flood lights, front porch lights, and any side lights on after the sun goes down.  A well-lit home both in front and back will deter anyone with less-than-pleasant intentions.  Additionally, make sure your home alarm system signs are clearly visible and prominent.  Robbers don’t target homes if they know they will likely be caught on camera or caught with an alarm.  If you have a home security system, make sure it is engaged and that all triggers (on windows/doors, on cameras, etc.) are connected and functioning properly.  If you have surveillance cameras, have them angled to catch all areas on the exterior of your home, so if you DO get hit with any vandalism or crime, you’ll have a much better chance of figuring out who did it so they can be held responsible.

Secondly, make sure you do a double-check of all doors and windows before heading out for an evening of trick-or-treating.  Chances are, if a criminal realizes that an entrance will be difficult, they will pass your home by.  Having to take time to disable door or window locks mean they are more likely to get caught, and it’s usually not worth the risk to them.

Additionally, don’t let outsiders know your home is empty, even if it is.  Leave on a hallway light, a lamp or two in obvious windows of your home, and consider leaving a radio running for noise.  If it sounds like people are home and active, your house is much less likely to experience any Halloween crime.

Finally, look over your insurance policy so you can rest assured that it’s up-to-date and will protect against crime such as theft or vandalism.  If you aren’t sure what your policy covers, or if you feel you need additional protection, give us a call.  Carroll Marshall Insurance can not only help you read through and understand your existing homeowners policy, but we can also help you customize a coverage plan to meet your needs and your budget.

Don’t be scared of what could happen this Halloween.  Know you’re protected BEFORE you need the coverage by letting us help.  Just stop by our Winter Haven office or call us to set up an appointment.

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