Say Cheese: The Importance of Investing in Dental Coverage

woman-3498849_640When it comes to insurance, most people opt for the trifecta of coverage: health, home, and auto. Beyond that, policies are looked at as “extras” and many choose to forgo them to save money on monthly premiums. However, with some types of coverage, you could be costing yourself more money in the long run. Dental coverage is a great example of this. Consider the following statistic:
Approximately 90% of standard health insurance plans EXCLUDE dental services
from their coverage.
What does that mean? It means if you’re relying on your basic heath insurance plan to pay for costs in the event of a dental issue or oral surgery, you could be left holding the bill yourself. While some extenuating circumstances and loopholes exist (such as a dental surgery that, if left undone, would adversely affect your overall health), basic dental care, tooth extractions, root canals, fillings, etc. are usually NOT covered by your regular coverage plan, and therefore will come out of your own pocket. Unfortunately, many people are wiling to take that risk for themselves and for their children because they incorrectly assume that dental coverage isn’t within their budget and is a luxury they can’t invest in. In reality, dental coverage is actually quite affordable for many households, and the monthly premiums can be adjusted to fit your needs while staying within your price range. This type of situation is why insurance advisement is so important. Professionals in the industry know what types of coverage are available, how to bundle insurance plans to get the best deal for you, and how to decide between not enough coverage and over-coverage for your family.
For residents in and around the Winter Haven area, clients know they can trust Carroll Marshall Insurance to give them the very best in advisement services. We work with top providers in the industry, and make it our personal goal to give you the best plan for your family. Give us a call to make an appointment or stop by our downtown office! We look forward to helping you make dental coverage a reality in your household.

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