Back to School Checklist: Make Sure Your Child Is Ready

checklist-2470549_640School starts back for students here in Polk County this week, and while the Central Florida temps still feel like summer, the Fall semester is officially kicking off. We know parents are busy with checking off lists of things their students need, from lunch boxes to uniforms to glue sticks, but there are a few things that might have missed your checklist this year. Don’t forget to add these to your plans so you can send your child off for their first day set up for success:

  • Annual physical. Children of all ages need to have a routine physical before starting back to school, but this is especially true of children with any preexisting health conditions AND students who will be participating in sports or physical activities during the semester. Making sure your child’s health is at its baseline best is vital to setting them up for a successful school year. A physical can help clue you in to any underlying issues going on before you send them off to school where the issue could be worsened with P.E. and/or extracurricular activities.
  • A crash course in self-care. This is key for young students, since they are in environments where germs run rampant and can lead to all kinds of sickness throughout the school year. Help cut down on the colds and viruses that make their way into your home this year by giving your child instruction in good hand-washing practices and hygiene routines, keeping their hands away from their mouth (and face in general), and remembering to cover up when they sneeze or cough.
  • Healthy choices. Offering your child a well-balanced diet, even in their lunchbox each day, is a great way to encourage good health and help them be their best at school. Try to offer a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in their lunch options, and limit sweets and junky convenience foods. It’s just as easy to throw in a bunch of grapes or a banana as it is to toss a bag of cookies or chips into their lunchbox, and their body will thank you for the effort. Bonus: healthy food choices are another great way to cut down on colds and flus this season since it boosts your child’s immune system!

Of course, the best way to prepare your child for the school year is to ensure that your healthcare coverage box is checked off first of all. Adequate protection for your child’s health means you can keep up with doctor’s appointments and other healthy routines without the worry of how it will financially impact your family. Carroll Marshall Insurance can help you evaluate your current budget and find a healthcare plan that works for YOU, and will protect your family without putting you in a financial bind. Give us a call or stop by our Winter Haven office to see how we can help you this school year.

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