New Generation, Same Needs: What Millennials Should Know About Their Coverage

If you are one of the current individuals listed as a “millennial” you likely know that there are plenty of traits that set your generation apart from those before. Technology, economy, politics, and more have shaped the world we live in and the way you grew up, and therefore impact how you think about, and […]

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Make Sure Your Plans “Fall” Into Place: Celebrating Life Insurance Awareness Month

September means Fall is here, so bring on the pumpkins and the candy corn! That’s not all this month is known for though. September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month, and while “life insurance” seems to be a widely known topic, the amount of misinformation and misunderstanding around this type of coverage is astounding. Common […]

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If I Died with No Life Insurance: What You Need to Know About End of Life Expenses

Life insurance is a tough subject. No one really enjoys thinking about the circumstances that surround needing life insurance benefits, yet it’s something we all have to face at some point, whether for ourselves, or for a loved one. Few people fully understand exactly what a life insurance policy includes, which makes it hard for them […]

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Know Your Facts: Life Insurance Information Everyone Needs

At Carroll Marshall Insurance, we many new clients come into our office on a regular basis, and over time, we’ve noticed some trends regarding life insurance coverage and how it’s perceived among the general public. Having an improper understanding of life insurance policies can cost you greatly if it persuades you to go without coverage, […]

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Looking Beyond Christmas: What Could 2019 Hold for You?

The holidays are here, and with Christmas quickly approaching, many of us are busy with preparations for parties, out-of-town guests, and plenty of fun and festivity over the coming weeks. However, after those few short weeks have passed, we will all be left standing in our living rooms trying to figure out how our Christmas decorations have […]

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Healthful Hints for The Holidays

The holidays are always a fun time of family, friends, and FOOD. Sweets, baked goods, traditional dishes, and of course, turkey, is a big part of the fun. But if you’ve been diagnosed with a health condition, or are at risk for issues based on dietary choices, the holidays can be frustrating and downright sad, […]

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Risky Business: Preventing Mishaps This Halloween

Halloween is always a fun time for children and adults of all ages, and while there are many ways to enjoy and celebrate the holiday, from parties to pumpkin patches and all the trick-or-treating in between, the fun does come with some risks. Whenever you mix large numbers of people walking along roadways, have strangers […]

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Is Long Term Care Insurance the Right Choice for You?

Long-term care insurance sounds like something your grandparents might have discussed once upon a time when they were estate planning, but is it relevant for you? To understand whether you need a particular type of policy, and how much of it you need, you must first understand what the coverage is, and how it works. […]

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Labor Day 2018: Celebrating Hard Work (Appreciating That Choosing Your Insurance Doesn’t Have To Be)

Labor Day is about coming together and celebrating the hard work and resources that have made America into the great nation it is today. We recognize that it takes each of us contributing our time, energy, and resources to make America successful, and as insurance advisors for the greater Winter Haven area, we take our […]

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Water Safety on The Go: Protect Your Children (and Yourself) This Summer

Water safety is a huge topic here in Florida, since our vast amount of lakes and waterways, close proximity to the ocean, and abundance of swimming pools means you are almost always at risk of water-related incident if you’re not prepared. Those of us with pools at home have likely taken every precaution, from specialty […]

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