New Year, New Plan: Preparing for 2018

A New Year means a new list of resolutions, and for many people, getting in shape is on that list. Being in shape is important, since it keeps you physically strong, prepares you for handling things that come your way, and aids in an overall sense of well-being. However, did you know that your insurance […]

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‘Tis The Season To Be SCAMMED: Protecting Yourself This Holiday Season

It’s no secret that retail business BOOMS during the Christmas holiday. Stores, both brick-and-mortar and online, enjoy thousands of transactions each day, which translate into dollar signs for the business owners. It’s a wonderful time of year for them, but for consumers, it can quickly turn into a nightmare thanks to the growing trend of […]

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Home for the Holidays: Using Your Time Together to Plan for the Future

December is just around the corner, and families all over Polk County will be welcoming loved ones to the Sunshine State for holiday celebrations, or they will be hitting the road to head up north to see their families (and perhaps enjoy a white Christmas!). Regardless of where you celebrate, Christmas is a time when […]

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Tips to “Fall Back” on: How to Survive This Week’s Time Change

It’s that time of year again when evening temperatures start to cool down here in Florida, and people began to enjoy preparations for the upcoming holiday season. A key part of the “winter” season is also the time change, when we can “Fall Back” and, seemingly, gain another hour in our day. However, this gain […]

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Having a Happy (and Safe) Halloween: How to Pack for The Big Night

Halloween is just a week away, and people all over Polk County are prepping for a fun night of trick-or-treating and a weekend full of Fall festivals, pumpkin carving, and time with friends. As fun as Halloween can be though, it comes with lots of risks. From skinned knees to tummy aches, and everything in […]

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Time for A Change: When (And How) You Should Make Changes to Your Coverage

Investing in insurance coverage for yourself, and for the ones you love, is a key part of financial planning. However, unlike certain aspects of finances, your protection plans don’t stay static. Insurance is a dynamic asset since it is based on your own specific needs, and those needs are continually morphing and changing. It can […]

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Welcome to Florida! Tips for New Residents

Are you new to the Florida area? We want to be some of the first to welcome you! Here in Central Florida, we can tell you to prepare for plenty of sunshine, life on the lake, and wonderful communities built from local businesses and friendly neighbors. Carroll Marshall Insurance is proud to be part of […]

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Bridging Your Unemployment: Make the Most of Your Job Search

Fall is here, and the time of year when festivities and fun begin is upon us. Halloween is right around the corner, closely followed by Thanksgiving and then, suddenly, it’s Christmas! If you are unemployed though, you might be wondering “what’s next?” for you and your family. This time of year can be hard if […]

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Welcome Home: Saying Hello Again to Our Local Snowbirds

As we say goodbye to August here in Central Florida, we will be saying hello to Fall, and that means we’ll also be greeting our local snowbirds! For Polk County residents who spend a portion of their year in a northern (cooler) state to ride out the heat of summer, there are a few special […]

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Left Behind: Have You Reviewed Your Policy Beneficiary?

Here at Carroll Marshall Insurance, we frequently discuss the importance of life insurance policies and what they mean for you and for your family or loved ones.  They offer peace of mind, a supplemental income if/when yours is no longer coming in, and help with covering final expenses such as funeral and burial costs, outstanding […]

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