Scared? Why Inadequate Life Coverage Should Terrify You

Halloween is less than a week away, and during this season full of spooks, ghosts, and ghouls “scary” is a goal most people strive for.  Unfortunately though, something more scary than a few fun decorations and costumes faces some families.  So what makes them worry more than a witch or grim reaper? Not having adequate […]

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Welcome Back Snowbirds! Things to Remember When You Come Back in Town

The season is here! Snowbirds are heading back to the Sunshine State from their northern homes to enjoy a nice, warm winter and miss out on the snow and ice that comes with the cooler temperatures in the upper portions of the US.  Here in Polk County, we have a lot of friends and neighbors […]

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When Lightning Strikes: Staying Safe During a Lightning Storm

Florida is a beautiful state, known well for its sunny, warm climate, beautiful beaches, and…lightning storms.  Here in Central Florida, we are accustomed to frequent thunder storms, and those usually bring a fair bit of rain, and a lot of lightning.  While the display might be pretty, these storms can also be quite dangerous, and […]

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The Financial Repercussions of Losing A Spouse

The loss of a spouse is a tragic event, and we know that it can send you reeling, especially if the loss was unexpected.  Unfortunately, the grief following this type of loss can have far-reaching effects that extend all the way into your financial situation.  Oftentimes, finances (including insurance policies) are handled by one spouse […]

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Common Household Accidents: Are You Protected?

Accidents happen.  Everyone knows that cliché line, yet few think about what it could mean for them and/or their family.  While most everyday accidents are relatively harmless, they can result in disaster, and can leave both people and property with long-lasting issues. Sadly, many accidents occur in our very own homes.  So, what are some […]

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Life Insurance 101: Things You Need to Know

September 1st marks the beginning of Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), which is a great time for individuals and families to evaluate their coverage and make changes or updates as needed. Here at Carroll Marshall Insurance, we encourage our clients to take a look at their policies annually and determine if their needs would still […]

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