Have a Happy, Healthy Holiday

woman-698943_640Christmas is upon us, and this is the time of year when people are gearing up for trips to see family (or having family come to them!), parties, events, and other festivities.  The busy schedule and overload of fun (and sweets) is what makes the holiday season so special, but it can also lead to the downfall of your health if any sneaky germs manage to make their way into your holiday plans.

So, how can you support your wellness and stay healthy this season?

First, get rest!  Getting plenty of sleep is vital to your well-being both physically and emotionally. With the busyness of the holidays, it can be easy to fall behind on your rest, and that could leave you not only grouchy and tired, but also with a weakened immune system.  You’ll be an easy target for any sicknesses floating around, and that could put a major damper on your fun.

Secondly, take your vitamins, supplements, and get in those fruits and veggies.  A well-balanced diet and healthy choices can be hard during the holidays, and we aren’t pointing an accusatory finger at you for going back for a second piece of pumpkin pie, or grabbing a cookie at the company holiday party.  However, if you splurge too much and ignore the importance building blocks of a healthy diet, you could be inviting sickness to your door.  You don’t have to say no to a second helping of your favorites, but remember to say “yes” to extras of the good stuff too! Consider adding extras (like vitamin C) to your supplemental choices to boost your immune system and keep the cold germs at bay.

Finally, check up on your insurance coverage.  Supporting your wellness is hard to do if you suffer with sickness in silence because you can’t afford to go to your doctor for treatment.  Inadequate coverage means you are less likely to get the help you need, and that could leave you sick and unhappy for the holiday season.  By investing in coverage for you and your family, you are putting your health first, and that makes any holiday happier.

If you aren’t sure that your current coverage is up to par with the needs of your family, or if you are currently without coverage, give us a call.  Carroll Marshall Insurance can help you navigate the path to protecting your family.  We offer plans of all kinds, so we know we can find something that will fit your needs and your budget.  You can come into our Winter Haven office and we’ll take the time to go over details with you, so you never feel left in the dark about your insurance plan.

Let us help you get healthy for the holidays!

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