First Aid by Mom (or Dad): Be Prepared for Anything This School Year

stop-1206474_640The first day of school is rapidly approaching here in Polk County, and we know that parents are scrambling to pull together last minute forms, school supplies, and lunch boxes.  The start of a new academic year means days full of carpool, after school sports or activities, and weekends spent at sporting events, school concerts, plays, etc., followed by preparing for school on Monday all over again.  With the hectic schedules and constant time on the road, you can quickly find yourself falling into disorganized chaos, and that means you might not be prepared for situations that come your way.

Specifically, it’s easy to forget about minor first aid issues that arise when you have small children, until you’re in the middle of a (small) crisis and are left without a bandaid or a bottle of water to settle the problem.  Kids of all ages are constantly getting bumped, scraped, or overheated, and when you add in school activities, the likelihood of these things happening goes up tenfold.  Since school days are so busy, it’s a big deal to have to skip out on activities and go all the way home simply to bandage a scraped knee or get a drink for your overheated kids.

So, how can you stay prepared without putting in a lot of thought and effort?  We suggest packing a first aid box/bag for your car.  By having a kit that stays in your vehicle at all times, you’ll be ready for whatever comes your way between the carpool pickup and pulling into your driveway at the end of the day.  Don’t know what to include?  Start with the basics, including bandaids, handful of gauze pads, some medical tape, bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and a tube of antibiotic ointment. Tweezers, a small pair of nail clippers/scissors, and a file are always good ideas to have around as well.  We also suggest keeping a couple of bottled waters in your kit, since they can be used for washing up wounds, or helping a child who got a little too hot during their time at the playground. Additional items that can be thrown in, depending on your family’s needs, are a cold pack (self-cooling type for emergencies), handful of snacks for blood sugar dips, prepackaged sports drinks for rehydrating quickly, and sunscreen/insect repellent.

Of course, the best way you can be prepared for any crisis this school year is by having your health policies reviewed, updated, and ready to go.  Keep your health insurance card (and those for your children, if required) on you at all times, so you won’t be caught off guard if you or your child end up needing medical care.  Not sure if your coverage is adequate for your busy family?  Carroll Marshall Insurance is here for you.  Our Winter Haven office is open for our local friends and neighbors, and we welcome you to stop in and let us help you review your policies, and customize an insurance plan that fits your needs.

Here’s to a successful (and safe) 2016-2017 school year!

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