Make Sure Your Plans “Fall” Into Place: Celebrating Life Insurance Awareness Month

maple-150741_640September means Fall is here, so bring on the pumpkins and the candy corn! That’s not all this month is known for though. September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month, and while “life insurance” seems to be a widely known topic, the amount of misinformation and misunderstanding around this type of coverage is astounding. Common (incorrect) information, questions, and opinions we hear from people who come in to inquire about life coverage include:

“Life insurance for my whole family will be too expensive for my monthly budget. It’s not doable.”

“Only my wife and I need life insurance…the kids are fine right?”

“Life insurance only helps if I die in an accident.”

“I can’t get life insurance with my current health condition.”

“I’m too young to need life insurance. That’s for when I get older, isn’t it?”

Unfortunately, many of these questions and assumptions are widely accepted as fact about life insurance coverage, and they are leaving many people unprotected and in precarious situations should unexpected events come their way. By addressing these and providing correct information, we hope to raise awareness about the importance of life insurance not just during September, but all year long.

Life insurance is actually doable for the majority of the population, if you have a professional in your corner helping you find the right policies. An insurance advisor knows how to shop current rates, types of coverage, and then compare that information to your own unique situation to find the perfect fit for your needs AND for your budget. Believe it or not, many families can actually work life insurance into their monthly spending by giving up something as simple as one meal out per month, or giving up the daily run through the coffee drive-through and brewing a cup at home instead.

In addition to finding a policy that fits your budget, your advisor can also find a policy that works with any existing health conditions or unusual circumstances that you previously thought would prevent you from acquiring coverage. You’d be surprised at just how many options are available to you and your family, and the peace of mind that comes from having protection when you are already battling an illness or condition is invaluable.

For the young individuals, or newly married couples starting families, life insurance matters the MOST. This is the time when you can get some of the best rates on life coverage, and set yourself and your family up for long-term protection. It’s important to note that we mean your WHOLE family. Insuring just the breadwinner might seem like a logical choice, but what will help you cover the financial burden of medial expenses, burial costs, and ongoing needs (like childcare if your spouse was a stay-at-home parent) if a tragedy comes your way? Likewise, insuring only the adults in the household might seem fine, but if you’re faced with a medical crisis for your child and then left grieving the loss of that child, the last thing you need is a stack of bills from doctors, hospitals, and final expenses that you can’t afford. Life insurance protects you in these circumstances and gives you the buffer you need to move forward.

Carroll Marshall Insurance is here for residents in and around the Winter Haven area when it’s time to come up with a protection plan for their families. We provide insurance sales and advisement services of all types, and are skilled in helping you find life coverage that fits your circumstances . By building a relationship with our clients, we continue to help you get the best rates and premium coverage for years to come, so you can have the peace of mind knowing the ones you love are taken care of. Give us a call or stop by our office to get started!

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