Common Household Accidents: Are You Protected?

accident-1238326_640Accidents happen.  Everyone knows that cliché line, yet few think about what it could mean for them and/or their family.  While most everyday accidents are relatively harmless, they can result in disaster, and can leave both people and property with long-lasting issues.

Sadly, many accidents occur in our very own homes.  So, what are some common household accidents, and how can you protect yourself and the ones you love?


Burns are a common problem.  Whether it’s a little one touching a hot coffee pot, or accidentally hitting your neck while curling your hair, burns are NO fun.  Unfortunately, not all burns are so harmless.  Major burns can happen from cooking mishaps, unattended flames (such as candles, grills, or matches left within reach of children), and even something as simple as hot water (depending on the degree of the temperature).  Not only can these burns cause major physical damage to adults and children alike, but it can also lead to damage in your home.  Utilize caution when using ovens, stoves, and grills.  NEVER leave hot surfaces unattended, and keep matches and candles out of the reach of children.  Always blow out candles when you won’t be around to monitor them.


Falls can be as simple as a toddler scraping his knee on the front walkway, to a major injury sustained from falling off of a ladder or other high surface.  While falls are going to happen (especially when you have children in the home), sustaining injuries from them can be limited with some easy, precautionary steps.  For children, supervision is key.  It takes very little time for a child to climb to a high surface and fall, resulting in serious consequences.  Additionally, watch for “hot spots” around your home that lead to falls.  Slippery rugs, just-mopped floors, uneven bricks on the patio or walkway outside, etc. can be quickly and simply remedied to reduce the risk of them causing a fall.  For adults, using common sense is the best way to avoid major falls.  Have someone to “spot” you while you will be working from a high area (like up on a ladder) and don’t climb on structures not intended for such a purpose (like stacking up items to give you a boost instead of pulling out the ladder)!  Just like “hot spots” for kids, watch out for areas that could be prone to causing falls, and either remove them, or use extra caution when around them.


This incident is primarily a worry when you have children in or around the home.  A small child can drown in a very shallow water, in a very short amount of time.  Never leave kids unattended around water.  Empty out bathtubs and/or filled sinks quickly after using them, and if your child is still a young baby or toddler, invest in toilet locks.  If you have a pool, there is no such thing as too much caution.  Having a locking, childproof pool gate, a pool alarm system, and locks (out of reach) on the doors in your home are all great ways to keep your pool off limits to your child(ren) until you are nearby to supervise their time in the water.


Cuts (and other injuries from sharp objects) are a common occurrence in local emergency rooms. Kids and adults are at equal risk for these types of injuries, since they can be caused by a multitude of objects.  While you can’t protect yourself (or your kids) from all cuts and scrapes, you CAN teach them to use caution around dangerous items such as scissors and knives.  Keep these types of things out of the reach of small children.  Watch for sharp objects like broken glass, long nails that need to be sanded down/snipped off around your home, etc.

The best way to protect yourself and the ones you love from ALL of these types of accidents are by having proper insurance coverage.  Keeping your health, life, and homeowner’s policy up-to-date is vital in keeping yourself and your family under an umbrella of coverage for whatever might come your way.  Not sure that your policy is up to par with your needs?  We can help.  Stop by our Winter Haven office if you are in the Polk County area, or give us a call.  We will go over your existing policies, or help you customize a coverage plan from scratch.  Our goal is to meet your needs while also meeting your budget.

Yes, accidents happen, but when they do, make sure you’re ready for them!

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