The Final Way to Say “I Love You”

rose-3121239_640As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is a topic talked extensively, and while the focus of the holiday tends to be romantic love, the feeling actually encompasses everyone you hold dear. When it comes to your spouse/significant other, children, or other close family members, you would likely do whatever it takes to make them feel loved and cared for, including the simplest, everyday tasks. Maybe you show love through providing delicious meals and nutritious breakfasts each day, or perhaps it’s by working extra hours to pay for those special coaching sessions for your soccer-loving child. Your care could be seen through the hours spent folding laundry so your spouse never goes without work wear each day, or by taking your Sunday football hours to wash and vacuum their car before beginning a new week. Whatever the way you show your affection, the goal is to make people you hold close feel valued and secure.
Have you ever thought though, what would happen if you were to be taken from them? Sickness, tragedy, or other unforeseen circumstances could leave them with a huge void that you used to fill. In addition to the grief, ask yourself these questions about their situation if you were no longer around…
  • Can my family afford to continue living comfortably without my salary?
  • How would my spouse function if I were no longer here to provide childcare, household maintenance, etc. as a stay-at-home or work-at-home parent?
  • Have I already provided for future college expenses for my kids?
  • Does my family have enough funds saved up to cover taxes on my estate and any final expenses?
  • Will my spouse immediately be able to return to work upon my passing, or would they need time for bereavement. Does his/her job provide for that without losing pay?
The answers to this question are all important in determining how you could ultimately show your loved ones how much you care. Think of it as a final gift if you will…one last Valentine to say “I love you, even though I’m not there.” What is that gift?
Life insurance.
Having life coverage not only provides for your burial and/or remaining medical expenses upon your passing, but it can also cover things like life expenses until your family can get back on their feet, pay for childcare and housekeeping so you can still work in the case of your stay-at-home spouse passing, provide for future expenses like college education, or annual taxes on your estate, and can even offer a financial buffer if your loved ones need to take some time, unpaid, off work following a tragedy. By letting the ones you love, and who loved you, grieve without the worry of finances or provisions, you are showing the ultimate act of care and affection.
Write your loved ones the best kind of Valentine this year. Carroll Marshall Insurance is here to help. We will walk you through what type of coverage is best for your budget and needs, what it would provide for in the case of your passing, and how your family would go about collecting the benefits when they need them. We are here to help you set up a plan, answer any questions you may have, and monitor your policies so you know you always have the best possible option for YOU.
The gift of peace of mind is the ultimate gift to show how much you care. We’ll give that gift to you, so you can pass it on to the ones you love.

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