Get Low : 4 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Without Medication

heart-1143648_640If you’ve been to the doctor recently and heard less-than-encouraging news about your blood pressure or cholesterol, it can be scary and disheartening, especially if you aren’t fond of taking medications routinely.  Cholesterol in particular is difficult, because it can cause some significant health complications in the long term, and oftentimes it is treated immediately with medicine after being flagged by your healthcare provider.

However, if you aren’t fond of medicines, there are ways to lower your cholesterol naturally if you are willing to stick to a plan and follow through with the steps.  Here are 4 ways to bring down your numbers so your doctor is pleased with what they see, without compromising your own feelings on medication:

  1. You are what you eat, so changing up your meals is the first (and most effective) step in lowering your cholesterol.  Eating a plant-based diet rich with foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, in addition to beans (and meat-substitutes when needed) will help you achieve the results you and your doctor want.  Want to further increase the effects of this step?  Opt for gluten free items as much as possible, since this can help lower your cholesterol levels even more.
  2. Get your rest.  Aim for 8-10 hours of sleep each night, since too little sleep tends to mean higher LDL (“bad” cholesterol) levels.  A lack of rest can also lead to tiredness, and overeating, which further increase your cholesterol levels,
  3. Get active!  Exercising at least 1 hour each day will have a huge impact on lowering your cholesterol and improving your cardiovascular health.  Not only that, but it will help you sleep better (see #2), will relieve stress, and can also help with weight loss, which is another factor in keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure in check.
  4. Eat up your oatmeal!  Oatmeal, as well as cold oat cereals (like Cheerios) aid in lowering levels since they inhibit the digestion of the cholesterol which gives your body time to eliminate it.  Start your day of right with a bowl of your choice oat or bran product each morning and lower your levels in the tastiest way possible!

One of the best ways to ensure that your health stays at a peak is by routinely having checkups with your health practitioner, including annual labs and blood draws.  If you are putting off healthcare because you don’t have enough coverage and can’t afford the visit, we are here to help. Carroll Marshall Insurance can help you go over your budget and your coverage needs, and put together a plan that works for both.

Don’t take the risk of sacrificing your health.  Let us help you protect yourself and the ones you love with healthcare coverage.

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