Medical Costs Making You “Sick”?

ill-1932923_640Here in Winter Haven, sickness abounds, and we know a multitude of people are down with the flu, stomach virus, or even just a common cold.  It’s not fun being sick, but it’s even worse when the stress of medical costs are on your shoulders.  Going to the doctor can be expensive, and by the time you add in the cost for a visit, any required labs, needed prescriptions, etc. you can end up dropping a bundle of cash by the time you get home to “get plenty of rest and fluids.”

Even worse than being sick and worrying about the cost of going to the doctor?  Being a parent and having to make the decision of taking your child to the doctor and being concerned about the cost. As parents we feel responsible for our children, and it’s in our nature to provide for them. Not feeling like you can afford the medical care they need is frustrating, and unfortunately, it’s an issue that many in our community, and our world at large, face each day.  When you ask families who are struggling to handle medical care costs whether or not they have healthcare coverage, more often than not they either don’t have coverage, or they have coverage that is far less than what they need.  If you follow up and ask them why, the answer is typically the same:

“We can’t afford it.”

It’s no secret that health insurance coverage is a hot topic, and the cause for financial concern of many in today’s world.  However, Carroll Marshall Insurance wants to assure you that you can afford the protection you and your family need, as long as you know where to go and who to ask. Insurance advising agencies such as our own make it our personal mission to customize insurance plans of all kinds, including health coverage, to fit both the needs and budgets of the clients that come through our doors.  While we can’t always guarantee the exact matchup, we make it our goal to stay within a limit you can afford while making sure you can provide the care your family needs.

Don’t let yourself, or your children, go uncovered this season.  Carroll Marshall Insurance is ready to help you make 2017 your healthiest yet, because you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that when you get sick, you can get the care you need without the worry of financial burden hanging on your shoulders.  Give us a call or stop by our Winter Haven office to get started.

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