Hurricane Checklist: Preparing for the 2016 Hurricane Season

tropical-cyclone-catarina-1167137_1280Central Florida is no stranger to hurricanes, and over the years we have learned a thing or two about preparing for these larger-than-life storms and their effects.  Here in Polk County, we might not be hit in the same way as our coastal friends and neighbors, but we still have a significant amount of heavy wind and rain when these storms pass through.

So, what should you do to make sure you are prepared for this year’s hurricane season?

First, review your insurance policy!  This is often forgotten by homeowners, but can lead to devastating financial difficulty if left unchecked.  Not all homeowners policies cover damages caused by hurricanes.  Flood coverage, in addition to other add-ons can be important considerations to take when building a coverage plan for your home.  While you are looking over policy details, check out your vehicle insurance as well.  Make sure any storm damage to your car is covered under your existing plan.  It’s better to be safe than sorry.

You also need to keep in mind the coverage for specific possessions (jewelry, weapons, etc.) that might need extra coverage in order to be fully replaced in the event they are lost/damaged in a storm.

Second, prepare by stocking up on water, non-perishable food, lanterns and batteries/candles, etc. This makes sure your basic needs are met in the event that you lose electricity for several days. Water is especially important since it prevents dehydration, and that can be a valid problem here in Central Florida where the temperatures soar during the day, and loss of electricity means no AC! No one wants to worry about a trip to the hospital when dealing with a hurricane.

You should also prepare your home by inspecting it for any issues that could lead to bigger problems in a storm.  This includes loose shingles and loose or clogged gutters since they can cause significant damage if not taken care of.  Make sure points of weakness (like windows) are reinforced in preparation for strong winds by installing wind-resistant shutters or sheets of plywood.  Preparing your home ahead of time means you are less likely to have to deal with damages (and resulting insurance claims) after the fact.

If you do end up with damages this coming hurricane season, or if you simply want to review your policy to make sure you are ready for whatever comes your way, give us a call.  Carroll Marshall Insurance can help you navigate the sometimes confusing waters (no pun intended!) of insurance coverage whether it’s before the fact or after damage has occurred.  As local Winter Haven residents, we consider our clients neighbors, and strive to offer personal and top-quality service to all who walk through our door.

Let us help you get ready for this year’s hurricane season by making sure you, and your home, are covered!

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