Motorcycle Safety Begins with Coverage (Especially for Your Head!)

motorcycle-1149389_640Central Florida is a popular destination for motorcyclists, whether they are vacationing here or live here year-round. Its flat terrain, expansive highways, and extensive coastline make for beautiful riding conditions, and people hit their bikes and head to the Sunshine state on a regular basis. Unfortunately, motorcyclists face higher risk of injury and death on the road, and many times the accidents that leave them hurt, or take their lives, could be prevented with coverage. Covering yourself (safety gear and educating yourself on road rules) and your bike (insurance) are key in making sure you don’t end up in a serious situation while on your motorcycle.

Perhaps the most important coverage for motorcyclists begins at the top…literally. Covering your head with a high-quality, tested crash helmet is a huge part of surviving any accident that might come your way. Head injuries are the leading cause for motorcycle deaths, and many could be helped with proper protective gear. Motorcyclists should ALWAYS wear a helmet, even if it isn’t required by law here in Florida. Hitting a road (no matter the size) without a helmet is never, in any circumstance, a good idea. Do yourself a favor and strap on the helmet before you pull out of the driveway.
Additionally, both motorcyclists and other drivers are responsible for preventing deadly accidents by following some basic rules of the road where bikes are concerned. Before making turns, changing lanes, etc., take a second glance. Taking the time to look carefully, more than once, before making a move in a car could save lives. Too often, drivers miss motorcyclists since they have much less of a profile than a full-sized vehicle, and since the drivers have little to no protection when on a bike, they are usually the one paying the price. Motorcyclists too often think they can squeeze into spaces they shouldn’t and are willing to make risky moves on the road with higher-than-suggested speeds, sharp turns, etc. Proper education about road safety and rules for ALL drivers is key in saving lives.
Finally, coverage for your bike by way of a comprehensive insurance policy is a huge part of protection yourself and others on the road. You never want to be left holding the bill if you injure yourself or someone else while on your motorcycle, and you certainly don’t want to be responsible for damages to property and other vehicles. Your insurance advisor can help you determine how much coverage, and exactly what type, best fits your unique situation and will let you hit the road with confidence knowing you are covered in all the best ways. Carroll Marshall Insurance is here for motorcyclists in the greater Winter Haven area, and our convenient downtown office means we are easily accessible. Give us a call or stop by to find out what we can do for you.

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