Save Money or Strike Out: The Choice Is Yours

lightning-503153_640Central Florida has a reputation for our lightning and frequent thunderstorms, and at this time of year, these storms tend to roll through on a daily basis. Oftentimes, the lightning is intense, and more than a few Polk County residents have experienced its wrath when a bolt strikes their home, taking out landscaping, electronics, or worse. Many people don’t know that there are ways to protect your home from a lightning strike, and not only can those options give you peace of mind, but they can save you money!

Being proactive about lightning protection is important for any homeowner to understand, but it is even more vital for Floridian residents since the threat of a strike is much higher than that some of our neighboring states. How can you protect your home and your belongings?

  • If possible, turn off and/or unplug electronics when a storm rolls through.
  • Invest in surge protectors for your items that stay plugged in all the time.
  • Keep trees around your home trimmed back and away from power lines and your roof.
  • Invest in a lightning protection system.

The final option mentioned above, a lightning protection system, is a great choice for residents in and around our area of Polk County. These systems could save you money on your homeowner’s policy since many providers offer incentives for having a protection system installed. The lightning protection must be applicable to your specific policy, so check with your insurance advisor to find out if your chosen system falls under the weatherproofing mitigation guidelines of your plan. You’ll also want to make sure your system is being purchased from, and installed by a certified professional so you stay within the various quality assurance requirements.
If you are considering a lightning protection system, we are happy to help you find out where and how this fits into your existing homeowners policy. Ready to change up your coverage? We can help with that too. Give us a call to schedule an appointment or stop by our Winter Haven office for more information.

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