Turkey Day Trauma: Dangers of Your Holiday Bird

urlTurkeys are the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving table, and are usually the primary focus of the holiday meal.  Side dishes, wine pairings, and pretty much everything else on the table are coordinated to mesh well with the bird.  However, turkeys can also be a big liability on Thanksgiving day.  How can your turkey end up costing more than the initial investment at the grocery store?

Bringing the Heat.  Burns from grease and hot pans, in addition to kitchen fires, are common mishaps seen each year on Thanksgiving day, and they usually tend to be related to the cooking of the turkey.  This can land you in the urgent care, hospital, or with an embarrassing call to the fire department.

Cutting a Rug…or Your Finger.  Enjoying some dancing in the kitchen with your loved ones might be a good time.  After all, we all enjoy “cutting the rug” every now and then.  However, cuts from slicing turkeys (or from attempting to de-bone parts of the turkey for your holiday platter) could have serious consequences… like a hefty doctor bill for stitches and a tetanus shot!

“Falling Head Over Heels” for Your Turkey…Literally.  Believe it or not, slip-and-fall accidents are another common occurrence on Thanksgiving.  When you put multiple people in the kitchen, and drinks are being served, turkeys are being brined/rubbed/roasted, and there are dishes continually being washed and scrubbed, some slick spots are almost always going to end up on your floor.  One wrong move and you could find yourself looking up at the ceiling, and looking at, again, a doctor bill.

Don’t let your Thanksgiving be ruined with turkey accidents.  No one wants to celebrate the holiday from the hospital, or cleaning up the remains of a wet kitchen after a visit from the fire department.  If you do find yourself in these circumstances though, don’t let financial hardship add to your troubles.  Make sure you’re covered for whatever the holidays throw your way.  Carroll Marshall Insurance can help you evaluate your existing coverage and determine where it needs to be altered or increased to match both your budget and your needs.  Don’t have insurance coverage on your health or your home?  We can handle that too.  We’ll customize a plan for you and make sure you’re ready for the Thanksgiving season and the year to come!  Give us a call and set up an appointment, or stop by our Winter Haven office.

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