Know Before You Go: Streamline Your ER or Urgent Care Visit

woman-698943_640Spring has arrived, and here in Central Florida that means we are enjoying plenty of time outdoors since we know that, all too soon, the temperatures will soar.  Time outdoors can mean a higher risk for injuries though, especially for those with children.  Additionally, springtime can be when the residual colds and viruses from winter are making their final rounds before calming down for the summer, so there can be a lot of germ-sharing among school peers and coworkers alike.  Both injuries and sickness often require a visit to your local urgent care, or in more serious cases, your ER, but these usually come with a wait time, and a lengthy stack of paperwork.

So, how can you streamline your visit for yourself or your child?

The best way is to “know before you go”.  Much of the paperwork at these types of visits gives medical professionals some background information about you and your heath so they know how to best treat you.  By already having the answers to many of their questions ready to go, you can quickly and easily fill out all paperwork, which could end up lessening your wait time and have you on the road to recovery much faster.  Important things to remember include:

  • Your ID and your social security number
  • Your insurance card(s) and any needed information for filing claims
  • For your child, you’ll need birthdate, and sometimes will be asked for their (general) weight, height, etc.  This is especially true with children under a year old since medications are strictly based off of their weight.
  • If pregnant, you’ll need to know how far along you are ( they’ll want the dates given to you by your obstetrician) and if there are any complications with the pregnancy.
  • If you have any existing health conditions (diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.) have any needed documentation and a list of all current medications and your prescribed dosage.
    Sometimes you’ll be asked about a history of surgeries, major injuries, etc. so it can be a good idea to keep a running list of these and the dates on which they occurred.

We hope these few tips will help your next visit to the ER or urgent care go much more smoothly so you can be back home resting again in as little time as possible.  The best way to streamline your medical care? By keeping your health coverage plan up to date, and keeping all needed documentation (cards, ID and policy numbers, etc.) on your person.  If you aren’t sure about the status of your current coverage, what it allows for and provides, and/or if you’re getting the best deal for the needs of your family, give us a call.  Carroll Marshall Insurance is proud to serve the greater Winter Haven area with insurance advisement of all kinds, and we can help you customize a coverage plan that works for you and the ones you love.

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