Welcome Home: Saying Hello Again to Our Local Snowbirds

As we say goodbye to August here in Central Florida, we will be saying hello to Fall, and that means we’ll also be greeting our local snowbirds! For Polk County residents who spend a portion of their year in a northern (cooler) state to ride out the heat of summer, there are a few special […]

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Safety on Two Wheels AND on Four: Motorcycle Safety Awareness

Here in Central Florida, motorcycles are a choice means of transportation.  Our beautiful weather, mild (usually warm) climate, and flat roadways are prime conditions for motorcyclists. Unfortunately though, we also have many motorcycle-related injuries and fatalities.  We want to see ALL motorists kept safe, regardless of how many wheels they are driving.  Whether on a […]

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Insuring Your College Student: What You Need to Know

School is wrapping up here in Polk County, but for families with high school seniors, the craziness of having a rising college freshman is just beginning.  After the graduation parties and senior nights have come to a close, it’s time to think about extra-long sheets for those dorm-room beds, how many ways you can make […]

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What You Need to Know About Hitting The Road With Your Pet in Tow

Now that Spring has arrived here in Central Florida, people are using the time to travel, and often, that means their pets will be hitting the highway right along with them!  Your pet can be a wonderful traveling companion, and can offer company during the long hours spend behind the wheel.  However, did you know […]

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Hitting the Water: Insure Your Boat Before It’s Too Late

As the weather warms here in Central Florida, many residents are pulling their boats out and shining them up for the spring and summer months.  When the temperatures soar, there’s no better place than the water, and a boat is one of the best ways to enjoy our numerous lakes and beautiful beaches!  However, if […]

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In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb: March Winds and Your Insurance Coverage

March has come in with a gust, and so far this month seems to be living up to its “in like a lion” stereotype here in Central Florida.  While it seems like fun and games when the breeze picks up, these windy days can actually be risky, and not just to your kite or your […]

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Do You REALLY Need Insurance?

It’s the first week of 2017, and for many people, this time is when you sit down and evaluate the past year and what you’d do differently if you could.  New Year’s “resolutions” are really just goals and/or changes you’d like to add to the coming year, and if your budget is on the table […]

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Jingle All The Way, with Coverage for His Sleigh: Why Santa Should Be Our Next Client

Christmas is so close, and while grownups are bustling about finishing up their holiday shopping, putting together a meal plan for the big day, and whispering behind closed doors about surprises for little ones, kids all over Polk County are counting down to the arrival of SANTA!  Santa Claus is the iconic emblem of Christmas, […]

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When You’re Not Home for The Holidays: Protect Your Investment in Your Home

Turkey Day is only a couple of weeks away, and people throughout Polk County are preparing for family and friends to join them for the holiday feast, and perhaps preparing for overnight guests as well.  However, we also know that many of our friends and neighbors here in Central Florida will be packing up to […]

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Welcome Back Snowbirds! Things to Remember When You Come Back in Town

The season is here! Snowbirds are heading back to the Sunshine State from their northern homes to enjoy a nice, warm winter and miss out on the snow and ice that comes with the cooler temperatures in the upper portions of the US.  Here in Polk County, we have a lot of friends and neighbors […]

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