Auto Coverage: What Happens to Your Policy If You Pass Away?

When it comes to navigating the waters of a deceased person and insurance coverage, things can get confusing. We all know that life insurance has beneficiaries in the case of a death, and homeowners insurance covers the house and property, not the person…but what happens on an auto policy when the insured driver named on […]

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Camping and Your Car: Tips to Protect Your Vehicle During Your Summer Adventures

Camping is a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors, unplug, and bond with family and friends, but it can also hold its own unique set of risks…and we don’t just mean for you! Obviously, when going camping, you utilize some type of vehicle to reach your campsite (or camping area) and if you don’t […]

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Tire Blowout 101: Tips for Before, During, and After

Tire blowouts are a common cause of accidents on Florida roads, especially during the hottest months when extreme temperatures can heat the pavement to dangerous levels and increase chances of tires failing. Unfortunately, tire blowouts often affect more than just the driver who’s tire has blown, since the sudden shift in the vehicle’s balance can […]

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Insurance Has You Covered…Doesn’t It?

The holidays are upon us, and now that Black Friday is over, Cyber Monday has passed, and all stores have gone into full Christmas mode. Shoppers everywhere are checking their list (and checking it twice) to make sure they’ve covered everyone they care about this season. Whether shopping online, or hitting the local mall, Christmas […]

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Snowbirds Don’t Fly…So Check Your Coverage!

Welcome back to all of our local snowbirds! We are glad to have you back in the Sunshine State and hope you enjoyed your Spring and Summer travels this year. Now that you’re back in Florida, it might feel like vacation, and you could be tempted to leave your worries behind, including thoughts about your […]

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