Common Insurance Questions During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Coronavirus outbreak has left its mark across many industries worldwide, and the insurance industry is no exception. From auto coverage to health plans, insurance companies have had to re-evaluate policies, determine what is/isn’t covered based on current circumstances, and, in some cases, offer refunds for services not used. As your local insurance professionals, the […]

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Prepare Your Kids: Going Back to School During a Pandemic

Parents and teachers across Polk County are holding their breath, waiting to hear the final verdict on what school reopening will look like for the 2020-2021 school year. As the original start date of classes looms closer, parents are trying their best to prepare themselves for what lies ahead, whether that be sending their kids back into […]

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National Insurance Awareness Day 2020

This coming Sunday, June 28th, is National Insurance Awareness Day, and Carroll Marshall Insurance wants you to circle it on your calendar! While it might not be in competition with some of the other major dates during the year (after all, Santa doesn’t really like to share the spotlight and your birthday is a pretty […]

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Getting Back to the Great Outdoors: Camping As A Vacation (and How to Prepare Your Car)

With COVID affecting travel plans for people around the world, many of us here in Florida are seriously considering camping as a great backup alternative for vacationing this year. After all, camping is a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors, unplug, and bond with family and friends. However, it can hold its own unique […]

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Should You Make the Jump? How Backyard Additions Impact Your Coverage

With COVID-19 affecting the summer plans of many families, kids are staring down a summer vacation being stuck at home. Parents and children alike are probably looking at their old, worn-out swing-set and patchy grass and wondering how that will POSSIBLY be enough to stay entertained for weeks on end. Hence why we’ve been hearing […]

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Supporting Our Community During COVID-19

COVID-19, or Coronavirus, is now a worldwide pandemic, and as it starts to have a greater affect on us here in the US, many business owners and employers are worried about how they’ll stay afloat, and how they will continue to pay employees on staff. See, employers don’t just see their staff as faces in […]

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Thoughts on Coronavirus and How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

In case you haven’t heard (or seen) in the news, on social media, or simply from people chatting around you, there’s a new sickness in town and it has everyone more than a little worried. Coronavirus, or more specifically, COVID-19, is sweeping the globe and taking widespread fear with it. We understand…hearing that an illness […]

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Preparing During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know About Maternity Coverage

If you clicked on this post, congratulations! You are likely expecting a new addition to your family in the coming months or are a family member/friend of someone who is. A new baby is always a celebration, and while many new parents picture nursery decor, tiny clothes, and installing a car seat when you mention […]

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Ready to Ride: What Motorcyclists in Florida Need to Know

As Spring quickly approaches here in Florida, and temperatures will steadily rise over the coming weeks, bikers throughout the area will be coming out in droves to enjoy the sunshine, the fresh air, and the FUN that comes from being in the outdoors. Motorcycle owners are dusting off their wheels and their riding equipment and […]

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Pre-Approval and Your Health Coverage: Choosing Medical Providers That Are Right for You

When it comes to health insurance, many people worry about what their coverage will take care of when it comes to an emergency, such as an unexpected ER visit, a health scare, unplanned surgery, etc. While these scenarios are typically the focus of people’s concerns when they think about their health coverage (and what it […]

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