When Lightning Strikes: Staying Safe During a Lightning Storm

Author Archives: Carroll Marshall Insurance

When Lightning Strikes: Staying Safe During a Lightning Storm

Florida is a beautiful state, known well for its sunny, warm climate, beautiful beaches, and…lightning storms.  Here in Central Florida, we are accustomed to frequent thunder storms, and those usually bring a fair bit of rain, and a lot of lightning.  While the display might be pretty, these storms can also be quite dangerous, and […]

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The Financial Repercussions of Losing A Spouse

The loss of a spouse is a tragic event, and we know that it can send you reeling, especially if the loss was unexpected.  Unfortunately, the grief following this type of loss can have far-reaching effects that extend all the way into your financial situation.  Oftentimes, finances (including insurance policies) are handled by one spouse […]

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Rain, Rain, Go Away: Staying Active Indoors When The Weather Is Rough

Central Florida has had a fair share of rain lately, between our usual late-summer monsoons and having hurricane Hermine blowing through.  All the wet weather means many people have been thrown off of their typical exercise routine since running, team sports, and other outdoor athletics have been put on hold.  That’s no reason to let […]

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Common Household Accidents: Are You Protected?

Accidents happen.  Everyone knows that cliché line, yet few think about what it could mean for them and/or their family.  While most everyday accidents are relatively harmless, they can result in disaster, and can leave both people and property with long-lasting issues. Sadly, many accidents occur in our very own homes.  So, what are some […]

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Life Insurance 101: Things You Need to Know

September 1st marks the beginning of Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), which is a great time for individuals and families to evaluate their coverage and make changes or updates as needed. Here at Carroll Marshall Insurance, we encourage our clients to take a look at their policies annually and determine if their needs would still […]

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Back to School: Protect Your Child This School Year

The start of a new school year is always exciting.  Teachers have worked long hours to make sure their classrooms are just right for the first day, and bright bulletin boards welcome kids to their class “home” for the next 10 months.  Here in Polk County, school started back for the 2016-2017 year on Monday, […]

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Sinkholes: A Costly Phenomena

Insurance companies around the US have placed a lot of effort into promoting flood insurance policies over the last few years.  Since floods typically aren’t covered by a basic homeowner’s policy, there has been a need to raise awareness about the devastation caused by flooding and how to make sure your family is protected. However, […]

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First Aid by Mom (or Dad): Be Prepared for Anything This School Year

The first day of school is rapidly approaching here in Polk County, and we know that parents are scrambling to pull together last minute forms, school supplies, and lunch boxes.  The start of a new academic year means days full of carpool, after school sports or activities, and weekends spent at sporting events, school concerts, […]

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Back to School: The Forgotten Checklist

The 2016-2017 school year is right at our doorstep, and we know that schools across Polk County are preparing to open their doors to the fresh faces of students ready for the new term.  Teachers are posting checklists of everything needed for their classrooms, parents are pulling checklists of everything they need to purchase for […]

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When the Wedding Bells Don’t Ring: Why Event Insurance Might Be Right for You

Event insurance is a topic that many consumers aren’t familiar with.  It might seem silly to some people, since you are basically purchasing a “one-day” policy, that covers a single event.  However, with events such as weddings costing upward of $30,000 in today’s market, event insurance can actually be a worthwhile purchase. Event insurance (most […]

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