Get Low : 4 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Without Medication

If you’ve been to the doctor recently and heard less-than-encouraging news about your blood pressure or cholesterol, it can be scary and disheartening, especially if you aren’t fond of taking medications routinely.  Cholesterol in particular is difficult, because it can cause some significant health complications in the long term, and oftentimes it is treated immediately […]

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Medical Costs Making You “Sick”?

Here in Winter Haven, sickness abounds, and we know a multitude of people are down with the flu, stomach virus, or even just a common cold.  It’s not fun being sick, but it’s even worse when the stress of medical costs are on your shoulders.  Going to the doctor can be expensive, and by the […]

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Do You REALLY Need Insurance?

It’s the first week of 2017, and for many people, this time is when you sit down and evaluate the past year and what you’d do differently if you could.  New Year’s “resolutions” are really just goals and/or changes you’d like to add to the coming year, and if your budget is on the table […]

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New Year Check-Up: Make Sure Your Policy Is In Shape

A New Year means a new list of resolutions, and for many people, getting in shape is on that list. Being in shape is important, since it keeps you physically strong, makes sure you’re prepared to tackle things that come your way, and aids in an overall sense of well-being.  However, did you know that […]

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Sudden Celebration: Tips for Hosting A Last-Minute Christmas Party

Christmas is less than a week away, and chances are, you have already done most of your planning for the holiday season, including any tasks involved with hosting a holiday party for your friends and/or family.  However, if you get stuck with playing host or hostess for a last-minute get-together, planning can quickly become stressful […]

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Jingle All The Way, with Coverage for His Sleigh: Why Santa Should Be Our Next Client

Christmas is so close, and while grownups are bustling about finishing up their holiday shopping, putting together a meal plan for the big day, and whispering behind closed doors about surprises for little ones, kids all over Polk County are counting down to the arrival of SANTA!  Santa Claus is the iconic emblem of Christmas, […]

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Turkey Day Trauma: Dangers of Your Holiday Bird

Turkeys are the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving table, and are usually the primary focus of the holiday meal.  Side dishes, wine pairings, and pretty much everything else on the table are coordinated to mesh well with the bird.  However, turkeys can also be a big liability on Thanksgiving day.  How can your turkey end up […]

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When You’re Not Home for The Holidays: Protect Your Investment in Your Home

Turkey Day is only a couple of weeks away, and people throughout Polk County are preparing for family and friends to join them for the holiday feast, and perhaps preparing for overnight guests as well.  However, we also know that many of our friends and neighbors here in Central Florida will be packing up to […]

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Be “Sweet”: Ways to Share Your Excess Halloween Candy

Halloween was fun, and now Polk County families are left with kids who are high on sugar and bagfuls of candy left strewn about their homes.  We know many parents will ration the sweets out over the course of the next few weeks, with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, treats will abound, and […]

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Scared? Why Inadequate Life Coverage Should Terrify You

Halloween is less than a week away, and during this season full of spooks, ghosts, and ghouls “scary” is a goal most people strive for.  Unfortunately though, something more scary than a few fun decorations and costumes faces some families.  So what makes them worry more than a witch or grim reaper? Not having adequate […]

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