Protecting Our Teachers, One Policy at A Time

Teachers do a lot for our society, often behind the scenes. They dedicate countless hours and personal resources into their students of all ages, doing their best to ensure that their students not only master the content required, but also leave their class at the end of the year with a renewed love of learning […]

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Back to School Checklist: Make Sure Your Child Is Ready

School starts back for students here in Polk County this week, and while the Central Florida temps still feel like summer, the Fall semester is officially kicking off. We know parents are busy with checking off lists of things their students need, from lunch boxes to uniforms to glue sticks, but there are a few […]

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Be Ready, Rain or Shine: How Event Insurance Protects Your Investment

Planning a large event like a wedding, a fundraiser, or a concert? Chances are, you have been approached by EACH vendor about various insurance “policies” for their products and/or services. Insuring your caterer, tux rentals, honeymoon plans, venue, guests, etc. could seem like a good idea, but if can cost you thousands in the end. […]

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Back to the Classroom: Be Ready for the School Year!

The start of a new school year is always exciting. Teachers have been hard at work for weeks preparing for the first day back, and parents have been busy shopping for supply checklists to make sure their student is prepared. Here in Polk County, school starts back in just a couple of weeks, and we […]

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Save Money or Strike Out: The Choice Is Yours

Central Florida has a reputation for our lightning and frequent thunderstorms, and at this time of year, these storms tend to roll through on a daily basis. Oftentimes, the lightning is intense, and more than a few Polk County residents have experienced its wrath when a bolt strikes their home, taking out landscaping, electronics, or […]

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Water Can Be “Ruff:” Protect Your Pooch This Summer

Summer is in full swing, and here in Central Florida that means people are heading to the water at every available opportunity to escape the heat. From lakes, to pools, to beaches, for many Florida residents the fun will include their dogs. Just as you would with children, there are some precautionary and protective measures […]

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Treat Yourself: The Health Benefits of Massage

Getting a massage is a luxury for many people, and oftentimes, it’s only an occasional treat, given as a birthday gift, a Mother’s Day indulgence, or as part of a full spa treatment on a weekend getaway.  We don’t think about massage in a clinical setting, or recognize it as a type of therapy, since […]

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It’s Easy to See Why You Need Vision Insurance

Vision insurance is a coverage of which people often opt out. It’s seen as being “unnecessary”, or a luxury type of insurance plan, and consumers feel that they can easily let it go to save a little on their monthly premiums. However, vision insurance is actually quite beneficial, and for some people, necessary. Why is […]

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Left Behind: Have You Reviewed Your Policy Beneficiary?

Here at Carroll Marshall Insurance, we frequently discuss the importance of life insurance policies and what they mean for you and for your family or loved ones.  They offer peace of mind, a supplemental income if/when yours is no longer coming in, and help with covering final expenses such as funeral and burial costs, outstanding […]

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Pool Time for Your Pooch: Keeping Your Pets Safe Around The Pool

Here in Florida, most everyone either has their own pool at home, or at the very least, a community pool in their neighborhood.  For those with small children, vigilance is preached and many parents and guardians go above and beyond watching over their little ones, especially when spending time in and around the water.  However, […]

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